Climate Change - Local Government Can Make a Difference

Taituarã are very pleased to announce the release of the second report of what will be an on-going series of thought leadership reports - Climate Change - Local Government Can Make a Difference .

The purpose of the report, arising out of an initiative of Taituarã’s Sector Futures Working Party is to survey the action that local authorities individually and collectively can take to help local communities adapt to climate change.

Much of the debate about the existence of climate change has been resolved, the most recent report from the International Panel on Climate Change was also unequivocal in its finding that human activity is affecting the world’s climate, atmosphere and oceans.

The report surveys the action that local authorities can and are taking to adapt, and help their communities adapt to the effects of climate change. It is intended to serve both as a reminder and a stimulus for your own thinking. We deliberately kept the discussion that follows short and practical, and have steered away from an in-depth discussion of the science.

You can find the report in our website here .