There's been a lot going on at SOLGM with planning for our Annual Summit in Queenstown, upcoming webinars, leadership development programmes, and learning forums. All our events and programmes are designed to support you to achieve outcomes for your community. So, grab a cuppa, and take a few minutes to find out what we're up to.

We recently asked you to vote on an amendment to the Rules of the Society to provide for the addition of special interest groups. Your response was overwhelmingly positive, and the Rules now contain Clause 15A. You can access the Rules (including the new amendment) on our website. Thank you to those of you who submitted a vote.

We're pleased to welcome Steve Fabish, Community Services Manager at Hauraki District Council, and Tanya Winter, Director of Policy Planning & Resource Management at Otago Regional Council to our Executive Board.

We farewell Gary Allis, Deputy Chief Executive at Western Bay of Plenty District Council, and Steve Hill, Chief Executive of Clutha District Council. We also farewell Pim Borren who is standing down from his role at Masterton District Council, and also therefore as our Vice President. Thank you all for your commitment, time and expertise. We know that you will continue to be SOLGM champions in your communities.

If you follow us on social media, you may have seen Karen Thomas announcing the latest in the line-up of Summit speakers. In her latest video, she talks about Dame Louise Casey from the UK:

We're are really excited by the calibre of speakers we have lined up this year including Gretchen Krampf, an expert in community resilience from the San Juan Islands in Washington, Sam Judd, Founder of Sustainable Coastlines, who has mobilised more than 80,000 people to serve their communities, and Paul King, a technology expert from the US who will talk about how big data and the internet of things are impacting communities around the world. The Minister of Local Government, Nanaia Mahuta, will also deliver a keynote. To check out the full programme, and to register, visit our Summit website.

Through the Looking Glass - Lessons for New Zealand local government from the UK, 25 July
This is aimed at elected members, chief executives, senior managers and those with an interest in where the winds of change my blow in the local government sector.

LG Accelerated Leadership Programme - Top of the South Island, 30 July
This five-month programme, developed in association with the Capability Group, is for those in leadership roles in local government, including those managing project teams.

Community Plan Forum, 13-14 August in Rotorua
For local government professionals focusing on the trends and issues that will arise in the 2021-31 LTPs, including lessons from the 2018 LTP processes, making the LTP a living document, and some of the best stories of community engagement.

LG Accelerated Leadership Programme - Wellington / Wairarapa region, 15 August
This five-month programme, developed in association with the Capability Group, is for those in leadership roles in local government, including those managing project teams.

LG Accelerated Leadership Programme - West Coast, South Island region, 23 August
This five-month programme, developed in association with the Capability Group, is for those in leadership roles in local government, including those managing project teams.

LG Accelerated Leadership Programme - Waikato / Bay of Plenty region, 24 August
This five-month programme, developed in association with the Capability Group, is for those in leadership roles in local government, including those managing project teams.

2018 SOLGM Annual Summit, 10-11 September in Queenstown
Our annual must-attend event for all local government professionals. A valuable opportunity for learning and networking.

Applications are open for our 10-month LG Executive Leaders Programme starting in November. The Programme is aimed at Tier 2 or Tier 3 managers with significant leadership experience and who have attended the Accelerated Leadership Programme (or similar). The Programme is unique in that it brings together the latest thinking in brain-based science and leadership effectiveness. It is a cohort-based experience balanced with an emphasis on meeting the development needs of the individual. To find out more, please contact Samantha Morris.

Have a great weekend!

The SOLGM Team

