The Taituarã online Discussion Groups allow you to connect with your local government peers across Aotearoa. It's as easy as sending an email!

If you have a valid council email address you are able to subscribe to any of the Discussion Groups by following the steps below:

1: Choose the Discussion Group you would like to join eg COMMSCOUNCIL (Communications Managers and Media Officers)

2: Click the name of the group to open a subscription email or create a new email and place in the ‘to field’

3: Leaving the subject line blank type Subscribe NAME OF GROUP in the body of the email (do this for each of the groups you wish to join in a separate email)

(NOTE: If you have clicked the name of group from the list below, this will automatically populate)

4: Click send.

5: An email will be received asking you to confirm your subscription

6: Reply to this email with OK in the body of this email and click send

7: You will receive an email confirming your subscription request has been received and has been forwarded to the Discussion Group administrators at Taituarã.

Please note final confirmation of your subscription may take up to two working days.

View available Discussion Groups