Each year Taituarã runs the New Zealand leg of the Management Challenge, Australasia’s premier forum for current and emerging local government leaders..

Registrations for the 2022 Australasian Management Challenge will open in December 2021. 

Picking a Challenge Team

Teams have six members and a mentor. Councils that have taken part in the Challenge for many years will usually have a strategy for selecting their team members. For councils new to the Challenge the team members typically come from a variety of departments across the council. This means the team can not only draw on a range of skills and knowledge, it importantly adds to the collaborative experience - some past participants have said they've learned more about their wider council at a Challenge than while at work! We recommend that the team include someone who has communications experience as the day's tasks usually include at least one where reporting or external communications is a very useful skill.

Team members are usually, though not exclusively, in mid-tier roles. The final selection of team members will depend on each council's objectives for the Challenge so it's perfectly legitimate to select someone with leadership potential but who is still at the start of their local government career. Conversely very senior managers have taken part and found it a valuable experience.

Please email info@taituara.org.nz if you'd like more information on the Challenge.

More about the Management Challenge